
Programming languages, Web technologies & frameworks

Python C++ JS Java NodeJS Flask Nginx OpenCV Pytorch

Deployment, Cloud and Version Control

Docker Kubernetes Jenkins Terraform AWS Git

Databases & Big data

MySQL Kafka MongoDB MongoDB Hadoop  Spark MySQL

Problem Solving

LeetCode || GeeksforGeeks || HackerRank


PyCAIR - Smart image manipulation

Open Source Python library to manipulate image(crop/enhance) based on its content.
More than 400 stars on Github repository.

PyAutomate - Powerful automation utilities.

Scraping and automation utilities. Comprises of more than 50 scripts to ease the task of doing mundane activities.

Route planner - Shortest distance simulation

Determine shortest path between two points on the map using A* search algorithm.

myMarkdown - minimal markdown editor

Markdown editor clone with local storage functionality written in NodeJS.

New York Crime Analysis

Exploratory data analysis on NYPD crime complaints.

Smart Antivirus

Win32 application showcasing heuristic scanning methods & techniques used by modern antivirus systems.

View More on GitHub


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